Friday, December 24, 2010

7 Habits of Highly Frugal People

7 Habits of Highly Frugal People

20 Foods That You Can Make Yourself

20 Foods That You Can Make Yourself


One of the cornerstones of a frugal lifestyle is “do it yourself.” The truth is that we spend a great of money buying foods that we can actually make ourselves. These store-bought items often cost more than it would if you took the time to make it yourself. Indeed, one of the reasons our grandparents (and even some of our parents) were able to get by on one income was do to the practice of having someone prepare a lot of the food, rather than buy so much processed stuff from the grocery store. You know you can make bread on your own, but you might be surprised at what else you can make yourself.

If you have a little time, and if you are feeling adventurous, you can make a number of tasty foods in your own home. Some items can even be canned or bottled as food storage for use later. Here are 20 foods that you can make yourself, with links to the recipes online:

Pasta Sauce: A staple at my house, it’s something I enjoy, and you can make as many varieties as you like, including Alfredo.
Pesto: I love a good pesto sauce, which can add variety to your meals.
Gravy: I was surprised when I found out that many people buy gravy in cans or powder packets. I’ve always made my own.
Applesauce: Bonus points if you grow your own apples. You can bottle it for use in the winter.
Salsa: No need to buy in a jar. Make your own and bottle it! For a fun twist, make mango salsa or peach salsa. You can make salsa with ingredient from your own garden.
Mayonnaise: Make your own sandwich spread, rather than relying on store bought methods. You might even end up with a healthier mayonnaise.
Jelly: My mom made all sorts of jellies and jams while we were growing up — including crab apple jelly. Another popular alternative is freezer jam.
Peanut Butter: I was totally floored to learn that you could make your own peanut butter. Make your own bread and jam, and you are truly making everything for your kids’ sandwiches.
Pancake Mix: Create a delicious breakfast using homemade pancake mix.
Maple Syrup: Maple syrup is going to be sugary, no matter where you get it. But you can spend less and make it yourself.
Potato Chips: Snack right with chips you’ve made yourself. I like to add pepper, or cheese powder, or other flavors on occasions to mix it up.
Bagels: Create an array of great bagels using different recipes.
English Muffins: I love English muffins, but good ones can be expensive at the store. I love that I can make my own now.
Ice Cream: We love making homemade ice cream. It’s a great family activity if you use coffee cans, and there are numerous add-ins that make it fun and tasty.
Vanilla Extract: I use vanilla a lot, so being able to make my own extract is a definite plus.
Guacamole: My husband likes my guacamole better than what we get at the store, and I like that it costs less! A healthy dip or sandwich spread.
Pickles: I don’t like pickles, but my husband does. And we can use our own cucumbers.
Root Beer: This is a little more complex than some of the other recipes, but if you have the time, and the adventurous spirit, you can make a delicious beverage for everyone to enjoy.
Hummus: This Middle Eastern dip is a fun way to add variety to your meals and parties.
Dog Treats: If one of the members of your family is a canine, you can make dog treats without buying them. Your furry friend will love them, and you can save money.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Diagnose-Me: Treatment: Tryptophan / 5HTP

Diagnose-Me: Treatment: Tryptophan / 5HTP

Patients with asthma or systemic lupus erythematosus should not take tryptophan.

Hypertryptophanemia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hypertryptophanemia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sensory defensiveness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sensory defensiveness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Common symptoms of sensory defensiveness include intolerance of high-pitched noises, intolerance of chewing sounds, intolerance of overhead lights (especially fluorescent lighting); experiencing a feeling of being attacked upon being touched (especially from light touch or sudden touch); intolerance of certain types of fabrics in contact with the skin; becoming nauseated upon smelling something that does not smell bad to neurotypical individuals; difficulty maintaining eye-contact; severe intolerance of foods due to taste, texture, or temperature; and generally becoming overwhelmed when exposed to a lot of sensory stimuli at once.
Intolerance in this context should not always be taken as unwillingness to be subject to the sensory stimuli in question; rather, intolerance is an inability to process the sensory stimuli in any way other than as over-stimulating, because the sensory stimuli provokes a fight-or-flight reaction. This is also known as sensory overload.
Sensory defensiveness can vary between individuals:
The senses that are problematic for one person may not be so for another. (Commonly, individuals report major issues with two or three senses and minor issues with the other senses.)
How easily and the way in which a particular sense bothers individuals varies (e.g. high-pitched noises may annoy someone, or they may hurt his/her ears; touch may provoke anxiety, or it can be painful).
The triggers for a particular sense vary between people (e.g. one person may be sensitive to the texture of mushy foods, while another may be sensitive to crunchy foods).

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Truth About Morgellons (Not A Disease - But It's Man-Made!)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tryptophan (Trp) Content of Various Foods

Tryptophan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scleroderma - Scleroderma Description - Scleroderma Symptoms - Scleroderma Prevention - Scleroderma Treatment

Scleroderma - Scleroderma Description - Scleroderma Symptoms - Scleroderma Prevention - Scleroderma Treatment


• What Is It?

• Symptoms

• Diagnosis

• Expected Duration

• Prevention

• Treatment

• When To Call A Professional

• Prognosis

• Additional Info

What Is It?

Scleroderma is a poorly understood illness that causes widespread hardening of the skin, especially on the hands and face. It also can damage the lungs, heart, kidneys, digestive tract, muscles and joints. It is a long-lasting (chronic) autoimmune disorder, an illness in which the body's immune defenses mistakenly attack the body's own cells rather than protecting them from outside invaders. Scleroderma also is called progressive systemic sclerosis.

There are two types of scleroderma. In the limited form, also called limited systemic sclerosis, the skin is the primary target. In the diffuse form (diffuse systemic sclerosis), the damage not only affects the skin, but also can affect the lungs, kidneys and other internal organs.

In people with scleroderma, scientists have identified abnormal immune proteins called autoantibodies, which are programmed to attack specific components of body cells. They also have found abnormal accumulations of protective T cells (white blood cells that are part of the immune system) in the skin and elsewhere. Although scientists don't understand exactly what happens, they believe that the immune system, perhaps involving these autoantibodies or T cells, somehow damages the body's smallest arteries, called arterioles. These damaged arterioles leak fluid, which causes swelling. They also release chemical factors that stimulate cells called fibroblasts to produce too much collagen, a fibrous protein. In the skin, this leads to thickening, hardening and tightness. Elsewhere in the body, the autoimmune attack of scleroderma can damage the digestive tract, the linings of joints, the outside sheaths of tendons, muscles (including the heart muscle), portions of the heart that regulate heart rhythm, the small blood vessels and the kidney.

Scleroderma affects about 14 in every one million people worldwide, and is most common in women aged 35 to 54. Because scleroderma is more common in women during the childbearing years, researchers have looked for a pregnancy-related factor to explain why scleroderma develops. One theory suggests that leftover fetal cells can still be circulating in the mother's bloodstream decades after pregnancy, and may play some role in triggering the autoimmune changes behind scleroderma.

Older studies have linked scleroderma to exposure to certain chemicals, specifically vinyl chloride, epoxy resins and aromatic hydrocarbons. Some people who took tryptophan, an amino acid that used to be sold as a dietary supplement, developed a condition similar to scleroderma called eosinophilia myalgia syndrome. Since tryptophan was removed from the market, no further cases of eosinophilia myalgia syndrome have been reported, but the clear link between tryptophan and eosinophilia myalgia syndrome raises the possibility that exposure to something in the environment could trigger scleroderma.


The symptoms of scleroderma vary from person to person and can include:

Raynaud's phenomenon In people with this condition, blood vessels in the fingers or toes, and sometimes in the tips of the nose and ears, suddenly constrict. The area turns white or blue and becomes cold and numb. This is followed by a flush of redness as the area warms up again, often together with pain or tingling. Raynaud's phenomenon can be triggered by exposure to cold or vibration or by emotional stress.
Skin symptoms There can be swelling of the fingers, hands, forearms and face and sometimes the feet and lower legs. This is followed by a skin thickening and tightness that can limit body movement. There also can be:
Skin ulcers
Skin that is lighter or darker than usual
Loss of hair
Abnormal skin dryness, including vaginal dryness
Calcium deposits in the skin (subcutaneous calcinosis)
Small red spots caused by localized swelling of tiny blood vessels (telangiectasias)
Joints Joints can swell, and become painful and stiff.
Muscles Muscles can become weak, and tendons can become abnormally thick, causing pain and limited joint motion.
Digestive system When scleroderma involves the esophagus, it can cause a feeling of fullness or burning pain (heartburn) in the upper abdomen or behind the breastbone, together with difficulty swallowing or keeping food down. Other digestive symptoms include bloating, lower abdominal pain or difficulty controlling bowel movements.
Lungs Symptoms can include shortness of breath, especially when you exercise, and a dry cough that doesn't bring up sputum or mucus.
Heart Problems can include chest pain, abnormal heart rhythms and heart failure.
Kidneys Kidney damage can lead to high blood pressure, headache, seizures, abnormal proteins in the urine, and too little urine being made.
Other symptoms Other symptoms can include dry eyes and mouth, sudden episodes of severe facial pain (trigeminal neuralgia) and impotence.
More than 95 percent of people with scleroderma have both Raynaud's phenomenon and skin thickening (also called sclerodactyly when the fingers are involved). In addition, those with limited scleroderma tend to have telangiectasias (85 percent of patients), digestive problems involving the esophagus (80 percent) and calcinosis (50 percent), often called CREST syndrome (calcinosis, Raynaud's, esophageal disease, sclerodactyly and telangiectasia).

Besides having Raynaud's phenomenon and skin thickening, people with the diffuse form of scleroderma can have digestive symptoms involving the esophagus (80 percent), joint symptoms (70 percent), muscle weakness (50 percent), lung symptoms (40 percent) and heart failure (30 percent).


Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and will examine your skin, especially on your fingers, hands and face. If your doctor suspects you have scleroderma, he or she may want to do a skin biopsy and blood tests. In a biopsy, a small sample of skin will be removed and examined in a laboratory. If scleroderma affects internal organs such as the heart, lungs or digestive organs, a chest X-ray and other tests may be necessary.

Expected Duration

Scleroderma is a chronic (long-lasting) disease. Although symptoms may come and go over time, the various forms of this disease usually last a lifetime. The skin swelling that happens first can last for a few weeks or months. This is followed by a gradual thickening of the skin and other skin changes. In the diffuse form of the disease, skin symptoms tend to peak within three years, then stabilize or even improve. If skin changes occur more rapidly, there is often a greater risk that internal organs are being damaged as well. In limited scleroderma, skin symptoms tend to worsen very slowly over a period of many years.


There is no way to prevent scleroderma.


There is currently no treatment for scleroderma that is always effective. Doctors may treat scleroderma with one or more of the following medications:

D-penicillamine (Cuprimine) decreases the activity of the immune system, and is thought to interfere with collagen production. Studies show that D-penicillamine may reduce skin thickening and prevent organ damage in some patients, but its overall success rate is not high. It also can cause serious side effects that harm the kidneys and blood cells. It is being used less than in the past to treat scleroderma.
Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan, Neosar) also decreases the activity of the immune system, and has been shown to improve lung function when used along with corticosteroids in people with inflammation in the lungs. The risks associated with this powerful medication (including infection, bleeding from the bladder and an increased risk of cancer) require that its use be highly selective and closely monitored.
Glucocorticoids can be used to relieve inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart (pericarditis), arthritis and inflammation of the muscles (myositis). However, these drugs also can have serious side effects, including the possibility that they may increase blood pressure and worsen kidney function in people with scleroderma.
Diuretics encourage the body to release excess fluid as urine. They are used to relieve swelling of the hands and feet.
Omeprazole (Prilosec) or related medications may be quite effective for the heartburn related to esophageal disease.
Bosentan (Tracleer) or epoprostenol (Flolan) may be effective for a potentially serious condition called pulmonary hypertension in which the blood pressure in the lung's blood vessels is elevated. These drugs also may improve symptoms of Raynaud's phenomenon.
Many patients find relief from Raynaud's phenomenon by limiting their exposure to cold and by wearing warm clothing, especially mittens and socks. Others find that regular exercise, physical therapy, skin massage and moisturizing ointments help skin symptoms. If dry skin becomes ulcerated and infected, antibiotics may be needed. For more severe cases, medications may be necessary. These include calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine (Procardia, Adalat) or diltiazem (Cardizem), ACE-inhibitors such as captopril (Capoten) or enalapril (Vasotec), reserpine (Serpasil), alpha-methyldopa (Aldomet) or prazosin (Minipress). Several of these medications have side effects that limit how long they can be used.

As an alternative to medication, some patients choose biofeedback, or injections called nerve blocks. These injections are given under local anesthesia near the neck, armpit or hand and usually are done only after other approaches have not worked. The injections temporarily or permanently interrupt nerve signals to blood vessels. By removing the nerve signals that tell an artery to constrict, arteries can dilate and improve blood flow.

Patients also are urged not to smoke, and to avoid prescription and street drugs, including beta-blockers, amphetamines, cocaine and ergotamine (Gynergen and other brand names).

When To Call A Professional

Call your doctor if you think that you are experiencing episodes of Raynaud's phenomenon or other symptoms of scleroderma, especially if you are a woman of childbearing age.


About 85 percent to 90 percent of people with limited scleroderma have a good outlook. The remaining 10 percent to 15 percent may develop potentially fatal lung damage over a period of 10 to 20 years. Patients with diffuse scleroderma tend to have a poorer outlook, although at least 55 percent survive for 10 years or more. Longevity in this illness may be improving over time but its rarity and variability make it difficult to accurately predict the prognosis in an individual with scleroderma.

Additional Info

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

Information Clearinghouse

1 AMS Circle

Bethesda, MD 20892-3675

Phone: (301) 495-4484

Toll-Free: (877) 226-4267

Fax: (301) 718-6366

TTY: (301) 565-2966


Scleroderma Foundation

12 Kent Way

Suite 101

Byfield, MA 01922

Phone: (978) 463-5843

Toll-Free: (800) 722-4673

Fax: (978) 463-5809

American College of Rheumatology

1800 Century Place, Suite 250

Atlanta, GA 30345

Phone: (404) 633-3777

Fax: (404) 633-1870
