Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Steps to Making My Best Banana Peppers

So the first post gave an idea of the proportions.
Now for the steps.

Wash a mixing bowl full of fresh peppers in a colander

On a cutting board -- do the following
  • Cut off tops and remove seeds
  • Cut peppers into rings (some seeds can be removed at this point)
Place jars in warm water to get them ready for pouring in hot liquid. This warm water will help prevent jars from cracking when hot liquid is introduced.

Remove jars from sink and fill with pepper rings, then return to sink.
I find surrounding the jars with wet dishtowels helps them stay vertical while pouring in liquid.

In a 2 qt boiler
  • Pour 1 cup water
  • Pour 2 cups vinegar
  • Put 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • Put 1 cup sugar
  • Put a few shakes of salt
Boil mixture

In a 1 qt boiler
  • Boil lids
Drain water from sink.

When both boilers are hot, you are ready to add liquid to jars. Be careful. The liquid is HOT!
I know that seems obvious, but I got burned by accident myself! I poured the liquid into a 2 cup measuring cup for easier managing. The liquid will stain a plastic measuring cup but badly, so be warned.

Now pour the liquid in the jars. Leave an inch at the top. Do not have more peppers in the jar than the amount of liquid. And be sure to leave the space at the top.

When all jars have liquid, remove them from sink and DRY mouth of jars.
Lids require the mouth of jar be dry. (Big, important detail.)
Add one lid to each jar. Twist one ring on each jar.
Set jars aside Lids will make a pop when they are sealed.
Leave product unopened for at least two weeks.

My Best Banana Peppers

  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric OR curry powder for every cup water (one spice --- not both)
  • 1 cup sugar for every cup water
  • a few shakes of salt
  • 1 cup water for 2 cups vinegar
  • a mixing bowl full of fresh peppers
  • added the juice from my last Mt Olive Banana Peppers
  • Hint: turmeric OR curry powder ---not both...they are basically the same. Curry has turmeric in it and it costs less than pure turmeric. The spice gives them the nice color.